New Love, Powerlessness of the Past, and Baloney
Even sweet moments can open portals to past memories. I own my stories, even when they cause me pain, because they awaken a sense of gratitude for what my life looks and feels like now.
The Twisted Road to Triumph: A Shadow Journey
Do you sometimes (unconsciously) make life hard for yourself so you set yourself up to overcome a hard challenge, thus resulting in a tale of triumph? You get to be the hero who lost 20 pounds, never mind that you were the villain who ate all those scones. Not that I can relate…
Taming the Tangle: Revisiting Food Choices (again)
What happens when your discipline and good habits start to wane and you listen to “them,” the “people” who make passing comments about your good choices? If you’re not solid in yourself, your choices and your values, you just might start throwing yourself under the bus to make other people happy. Spoiler alert: you’re the one who suffers.
Liberation of All Beings Begins with Yourself
A year ago I said “Yes!” to my fiancée, so why am I now pondering my divorce that happened 10 years ago? I’m ready to lighten the load of whatever confusion and sadness I’ve been carrying.