Kat Bacchus Kat Bacchus

Word of the Year: Quarterly Checkin

Take a moment to bring your Word of the Year to mind. Let it roll around a bit in your psyche. Having a Word of the Year always brings surprises. How has it played out so far? What new lessons might it bring?

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Falyn Lazarus Falyn Lazarus

Are You Stuck in One Rhythm?

In addition larger seasonal cycles, there’s the monthly rhythm. The moon is only dark one day a month. This darkness, or inward time, ripples out to a few days before and after. But even the moon changes day to day and moves towards shining bright and then cycles back out again. She does not hold steady in one set phase. Ugh. Neither should I. Thank you, Moon, for the lesson.

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Kat Bacchus Kat Bacchus

The heart of my hearth

In the heart of my hearth is strength. A rhythmic beat. The rhythm. The very soul. The core. That is me. My very being.

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Kat Bacchus Kat Bacchus


What song does your blood sing? You may think your blood is your blood, but drops of blood were passed to you by your mother and she received some from her mother. You can trace your blood back to the very beginning. What memories live in that lineage of blood? What does the blood remember, this blood that isn’t your own but inhabits you and gives you life?

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Kat Bacchus Kat Bacchus

Don’t wear a thong to your colonic

Things that are good to know: I volunteered to try colon hydrotherapy (used interchangeably with the word "colonic" in this article). I’ve had some digestive issues that I’ve been addressing at the intake valve — dietary adjustments, probiotics, etc. — but no one had suggested going in through the out door.

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Kat Bacchus Kat Bacchus

What's true right now...

In October 2019, my community experienced a series of electricity outages. All told we were without electricity for 2 weeks. That time felt so disruptive, and yet… look where we are now with a global pandemic, adapting moment by moment. Free writing alleviates a spinning mind as putting pen to paper shows what’s under the surface. Give it a try with this prompt, What’s true right now…

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Kat Bacchus Kat Bacchus

What seeds am I planting now for the world I wish to see and inhabit?

Spring Equinox reminds us to plant seeds, even if they are only dream seeds right now. Allow yourself to dream and gather the seeds of intention for they are where our hope lies, for life and growth and what’s to come. Around the world the night and day are equal length today, reminding us of the harmony of light and shadow. Here’s how I’m imagining my post-quarantine garden.

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Kat Bacchus Kat Bacchus

Writing keeps you curious about yourself

Free Writing has been around for as long as there’s been writing! This tool helps get through blocks. It’s useful for both journaling as well as any other style of writing to dump as much as possible. You can go over it when you’re done to see what’s there. That’s a whole separate phase. You must first create a safe space for flow, and Free Writing can do just that.

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Kat Bacchus Kat Bacchus

The gift of perspective

Moon Calendars give the gift of perspective. They sow the seeds of connection with something outside of yourself. It’s a deepening relationship that ebbs and flows.

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Falyn Lazarus Falyn Lazarus


Moon Calendars give the gift of perspective. They sow the seeds of connection with something outside of yourself. It’s a deepening relationship that ebbs and flows.

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Kat Bacchus Kat Bacchus

Healing Judgment

Judgments seem to run nonstop through our heads. There’s a difference between having an opinion, being discerning and judgment. Judgment creates a world of separation. You either put someone down to raise yourself up, or you put yourself down. Judgment is shrouded in shame and guilt. It’s sludge-y. So let’s bring it into the light and do something about it.

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