
Remember your roots and that they extend as far and as deep as the oldest Sequoia’s. Too often people scrape the surface, peeling back the topsoil to reveal one or two generations. What about getting out the pickax? Or maybe even the backhoe? It's so easy to dismiss with simple not knowing. “Our family isn't close.” or “We don't keep track of such things.” Release those lines of thinking. That’s topsoil knowledge. It doesn't go any deeper than knowing to bring green bean casserole to Thanksgiving. Let’s go back before casseroles existed.

What we're talking about here is remembering. What song does your blood sing? You may think your blood is your blood, but drops of blood were passed to you by your mother and she received some from her mother. You can trace your blood back to the very beginning. What memories live in that lineage of blood? What does the blood remember, this blood that isn’t your own but inhabits you and gives you life?

Do scents stir you deeply? Have you traveled in a foreign country and felt at home? At one with the people? Follow those roots and see what memories get stirred below words and in the depths where crystals grow. 

Remember many beings were here before us, and we share this planet with more souls than humans. Do you have any memories that stir with the rainfalls and wild jungles, filled with sounds before man silenced them? Remember that noise. Life is not silent. We are the ones who put ourselves in insulated boxes to buffer nature. Can you remember a time when we were separated only by canvas, or by layers of fur and alcoves in a cave? These were times when breath and sounds mingled creating a symphony, weaving stories. Can you grab a thread and follow it back to this time of shared experience?

Do not block it out or turn away from it. It is you. Stop turning away from yourself. Remember who you really are. Remember your connections to time, your roots that intermingle with tickling life forms, your lungs that take in the air that has been here, cycling through beings for millennia. Remember that you have been carried forward. You embody pieces of all that once was. Remember that you are a culmination of parts. Remember you are magic.


The heart of my hearth


Don’t wear a thong to your colonic