Overstimulated While Driving
Today I'm not overstimulated by caffeine but rather by listening to "Writing Down the Bones" by Natalie Goldberg. I want to do nothing other than write... not the best situation while driving, but a great way to not give in to exhaustion. I have pulled off to do some writing as well, and I do have a jot pad for short hand which I do while not looking (always fun to re-interpret those notes).
The great news is that listening has gotten me to write at a deeper level in my morning pages, which I've returned to since I'm participating in an artist's support group based on "The Artist's Way," I'm pursuing a writing project, and here I am updating my blog after more than 3 months away.
It's also helpful to hear that Natalie battles many of the same things that I battle... fear of loneliness, finding comfort in food... and discusses how other creatives fight their own battles that are similarly relateable. But I'm learning that I'd rather write and create rather than not do these things... they ground me and make me feel more like myself and put me in touch with myself even though they open me up to criticism (my own as well as other's).
More on these issues at a later time... for now a Motel 6 bed off I-70 in Kansas lures me into its clutches.