What's your Enneagram type?
Do you love quizzes and readings as much as I do? I love seeing systems for grouping types of people and personality traits as long as it encourages you to know yourself more deeply. When I do these types of tests, it also shows me how other people think and see the world. These are portals to other ways of seeing and being; no one way is better or worse. Understanding your own nature can help you love and accept yourself more so you can use your own superpowers to navigate your desired growth and goals.
As much as I love these types of tests and know that I’m an INFP, Gemini with all kinds of Virgo, Manifesting Generator, Catalyst/Rockstar personality type with preferences for audio and video marketing, Words of Praise are my love language and it’s important to #dowhatyoulove — to round up a few classifications I’ve received — I try to only explore new understanding when I’m ready for it rather than compulsively take every quiz and then get overloaded about how to put it all together.
My work life has changed dramatically over the last year of living in a pandemic, so I wanted to understand myself more as to how to work better with teams and to see if I’m cut out to be more of a solopreneur. A girlfriend referred me to an Enneagram coach.
What if you don’t like what you hear?
The first time I had someone help me figure out my Enneagram type a few years ago, it didn't resonate that much. I was nervous that the same thing would happen again, and yet this was an anomaly. I always see myself in these classifications when I answer honestly. He focused on the negative aspects, so I couldn't see myself that well. Other numbers seemed so much more desirable.
I just met with Wendy, a referral from a girlfriend who shared what type of space she holds, and she confirmed that I am indeed a 9, but I'm a Social 9 (a subtype she helped me understand). She gave me a reading that helped me see myself more clearly, showed me my growth points and how to work with my own energetics.
Yes, your readings are affected by the reader. That’s why it’s nice to sometimes just take an online quiz… but they aren’t foolproof. I wanted someone who could hold space for me and understand the nuances of why multiple choice quizzes can be a challenge for me (I see some truth in almost every answer). A good reader fully understands the system and they’re curious about you and what makes you tick.
If you don’t like what you hear or how you hear it, I suggest getting another reader. Or letting it go for awhile like I did. I had 3 years between my Enneagram sessions. I didn’t hold it too tightly.
Have a focus
If you have an intention for why you want this reading, it can give your understanding some focus. It can be hard to walk in and say, “I just want to know myself better.” Because life is rich and complex for a 1 or 2 hour reading.
Give a little direction. Do you want to understand yourself more in relationships, work life, money, travel, etc.? Get curious about yourself before you ask someone else to get curious about you.
I was particularly interested in understanding my type as it relates to work — the work I do and how I do it. My type works well in teams or groups, and as I've matured, this is great for leadership because I can feel into how everyone is doing.
I like to keep the peace and yet I want to hear everyone's perspectives and input. It takes me a while to make decisions because I weigh in on both large and small scale, but I don't doubt my decisions once they’ve been made.
How do you feel? Does this reading click?
My first enneagram reading I walked away confused and kind of down. This one with Wendy energized me.
I got so much juice from this enneagram reading. I could see my challenges but I could also see how I’ve grown and learned to navigate them. I walked away with a sense of possibility and understanding my growth edges and eager to face them. I felt seen and could stand taller.
I knew how to support myself in my new work situations so I feel empowered to contribute and ask for what I need.
And I felt particularly excited to learn that Barack Obama is also a Social 9.
Pause and Reflect
After getting a reading or taking a quiz, pause and do a little reflecting about what you know about yourself and how it does or doesn’t fit with the information you learned.
My reading explains my leanings to holding space and working in groups. I get more done when I slow down and I’m more deliberate. Pushing doesn't serve me, but bringing in Yang structures are a good growth edge.
I'm hard working and present like a 3. I’ve often wanted to be a 3 but I know in my bones it’s not my nature.
9s are most likely to lose themselves — called “forgetting self” — because we get so wrapped up in keeping the peace and going along with how things are going. We like that flow, but we can lose our sense of self.
I was blown away — this gave me another angle and understanding of my teenage diagnosis of selflessness (loss of self), not as a problem per se but as part of my nature to be aware of. This is why physical embodiment practices are so important to me. This is why large group events challenge me — my empathic abilities to adapt to the group or pick up on their energy makes me lose touch with myself and my desires. Now I know why I want to join a mosh pit anytime I’m near one.
I also found out that 9s are incarcerated more than any other Enneagram type for that reason. If we fall in with a certain crowd or energy, we’ll often adapt. It can be hard to go against this energy because we don't like confrontation.
Understanding this reinforces my practices to check in with myself throughout the day. It explains the sticky notes, reminders and tracking apps I need to remind myself of who I am, my desires and values, why I do things, and to drink the f-ing water.
I’ve had a reading: Now what?
A good reading like this can help you walk away loving yourself more and being on the side of yourself instead of always wanting to change everything. Awareness is a powerful tool, and readings are one way to gain awareness.
Readings when partnered with a skilled coach can help you take your life in a direction you want it to go while taking your nature into consideration. A coach can help you hold the vibration you are wanting to hold, and a good coach can help you brainstorm options when you only have one way of seeing.
If you want help incorporating the magical with the practical, that is one of my specialties. Let's chat about how to weave the magical into your life so it supports your creative path rather than keeps you stagnant. You can craft a life of your own creation. Blending practical + magical is one of my favorite ways to do this.
You can book a free Spark Session with me here so we can explore what feels tangled and cultivate that spark of possibility.
If you want more magic and mystery, you can book a 1-hour Tarot Reading with me here.