The stories we tell
Lately I've been envious of all my East coast friends... sure, I know there's a difference between "snow" and a blizzard, but I've been really craving some winter. I've even been getting kinda down about it... wallowing in the blue sky beauty, wanting to hibernate more. The fact is, we are having an incredibly mild winter here in Nevada City, California.
I've decided to stop wallowing. A few weeks ago, my boyfriend and I rallied ourselves together and decided to put our season passes for Squaw Valley/Alpine Meadows to use. We couldn't keep waiting for snow, and once holidays, back injuries and the drama of the beginning of the new year subsided, there came a point where we just had to seize the day and stop telling ourselves about the horrible non-winter we are having.
And what did we find? Much to our delight, the snow conditions are quite nice, more like spring skiing. And we often have runs to ourselves. It turns out that snowboarding is rather dreamy right now. Sure, we'd be thrilled to get more snow... yet so would hundreds of other people. Instead we are luxuriating in rockstar parking and long runs with quick turnaround times since there are no lines.
So, I've re-written that story. And by choosing one day each week to go snowboarding, I've defined at least one "weekend day" in my schedule... a day that doesn't revolve around work. It's helped to motivate me on those other days to get a lot done, and I feel so much more relaxed and productive by taking off a full day. Apparently that was another story: I'll get more done if I work everyday. Or, I'll feel less stressed if I just get this project done rather than take a day off.
What stories have you been telling yourself? Are you making any revisions, trying to change the story line?