In Service to your Suffering

I’m here today in service of your suffering.

In service to your pain.

In service to the struggle.

Because it’s possible to grow and transform in those states — and growth and transformation create more discomfort. 

Don’t think I show up to disregard those things. 

I show up to honor them.

To show what’s possible even with the pain and struggle.

Not to deny them but embrace them.

To “Do it anyway” (my anthem) rather than let those things limit you, your life and your possibilities.

To not be reactionary and strive for comfort because it’s unfamiliar and sounds so delicious.

But to live a life that matters.

You matter.

The very act of showing up matters.

How you show up matters.

When it’s hard. When it’s messy. When you’re raw.

When you show up laid bare, that’s when movement happens.

When you’re fed up and ready for a new way. Not to be fixed, but because you’re tired of the story that you’re broken.

If this is your year, your time for shifting from setting goals to a new way of navigating life, let’s talk. Book a complimentary Spark Session where we explore what makes you come alive and how to get you doing more of that.


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