How to Lean into Eclipse Energy


Counting down to the final eclipse of the year/decade on December 25. Eclipses can be disruptive and/or cleansing depending on your mindset. I like to harness their energy to see how I'm getting in my own way. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
This last one is a solar eclipse, so ask inwardly, "What am I doing to block my own light?" To make it super potent, do this leading up to an eclipse and see what closure/healing you can give beforehand. The eclipse can then reveal new layers or further clarity.


There's nothing to fix. All these suggestions help you get to know yourself more deeply and be more intentional about how YOU create your life. Outside of anyone else's ideas and programming. Eclipses are a great reset button if you need one. Shake it up!

This is a closeup of the Taming the Tangle 2019 Moon Calendar I designed. It includes days of the week, signs, eclipses, equinox + solstices, as well as the phases of the moon. This year I added Mercury Retrograde and Sun Sign indicators on the 2020 Moon Calendar by request. I Love a calendar that’s both useful *and* beautiful.

The Taming the Tangle 20/20 Vision Moon Calendar is available at a few stores around the US listed on the Taming the Tangle Stockists page as well as direct from me, the maker, via the Taming the Tangle Online Store.


Connect dots between feelings + actions


Questions = An Opportunity for Connection