Connect dots between feelings + actions

Writing prompts help uncover ideas that are hiding below the surface. Free writing gives them space to breathe. They rise to the surface rather than being shot down by the inner critics.⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
Do you have a block connecting the dots between desired feelings and actions? A common one is people who want to lose weight but won’t change their eating or exercising habits, but there are so many more. Using desired results as a writing prompt helps tap you into your own deep wisdom. There may be many more things at play, like triggers and emotional baggage. A longing may come up that feels light and playful rather than a stern To Do to start feeling how you want to feel.

A disconnection between desired feelings and actions fosters disempowerment and helplessness. You don't have to choose to make any life changes. It's empowering either way to acknowledge that you *are* making choices, not simply suffering at the random hands of fate. It helps to see possibilities. Sometimes you walk away, acknowledging you don't want to work that hard. Whatever you choose, you end up knowing and understanding yourself better.

Writing Prompt: To feel good when I wake up, I want to try…

Give this prompt a try and see what comes out. You can tweak it as needed. Set a timer for 7–12 minutes and don't let the pen stop moving until that timer goes off. Choose a time that feels slightly uncomfortable. The point of stretching the limit is to see what comes up below the quick surface reply. Give a safe space to allow what needs to be revealed to rise to the surface.

Give yourself permission to write whatever comes. It doesn't have to make sense or be on topic. Remain curious. Get stuck? Simply rewrite the prompt or a phrase like "what's next" over and over until the flow returns. Keep the pen moving.

Free Writing

Free Writing creates a safe space for your soul to stretch and reveal itself to you if you allow it. In some ways the practice is very, very easy and yet there are nuances. If you want more in depth explanation, check out my video on YouTube to Learn Free Writing.

In the comments below, I’d love to hear how this process went for you if you are up for sharing. Did you receive any unexpected insights?




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