Fool No More
This week of the Waning Moon, what is being dismantled in your life?
The Fool arrives with his message to stop wandering. It's time to dismantle your ideas about not knowing or having no direction. Break down those perceived beliefs that you are a mere dandelion seed being whisked this way and that by the winds of fate. True, your path may not be direct and you do not have complete control over it, but you know how you want to feel, the type of person you want to be and the life you want to live. Connect with the deep knowing of these aspects, and your next step becomes clear.Spend time getting to know your goals and desires so you can take steps towards them. Feeling a sense of purpose and guidance provides clarity and grounding, removing the fog of purposeless wandering.For me, I'm translating this as taking a few baby steps towards the studio of my dreams. I will start with basic infrastructure by getting trash cans and a white board to list goals and steps to take. I will also block out some weekly structure for myself to keep me from wandering through my days wondering where the time has gone and what I have to show for it.What are your ideas for feeling more purpose? How is this resonating with you? Let me know in the comments below. I'd love to hear from you.