Creating Space
When in the dark of the moon, you look to the night sky and can connect more clearly with other planets and stars.
Where do these planetary deities guide you?
These planets lead the way deeper into darkness, and Justice has a message for you. In this darker void you must pierce the veil of illusions you've constructed. This is the test of truth.Your creative mind needs to be put to use in practical ways. It's time to use your problem-solving abilities to restore balance. These deeper planetary energetics support you in simplifying what has become chaotic in your life. Whatever has been initiated must now be brought to full completion. If you desire clarity, this is how to achieve it.In practical terms, complete any large projects that have been started but left hanging, especially anything in the legal realm or that directly effects your finances. But every uncompleted project is important. Start with a list and work on it with focused energy one by one. Even if tempted, don't start any new projects.Completion cuts away distraction and clutter. Closure is the key here — if an unfinished project no longer holds sway, you can throw it away or pass it on to someone else.As you tend to these aspects of your life, more clarity will come. This dark and muddled process (several weeks up to a year, depending on the size and number of your projects) leads to a clear and simple vision, focused energy, spaciousness, and a sense of centered strength in your self. Let that sense of freedom be the light that comforts you if you feel challenged during this process.