Dear Summer: A Letter

Dear Summer,

Each year I do my best to enjoy you by wearing cute dresses that catch a breeze. This year hasn't had as many highlights like music festivals, craft fairs and the county fair or amusement parks, but I must say thank you all the same. I see you with a newfound gratitude, and am deeply sorry for how hard I’ve been on you in years past. 

Whatever has happened through the challenges of 2020 has allowed me to deeply appreciate your gifts of tomatoes and basil, watermelon and strawberries. These simple pleasures in such complex times have made this Summer one of my favorites.

Thank you for the warm lake water and cool mornings to contrast with it. I even thank you for the midday heat that reminds me to slow down to my natural rhythms. 

I appreciate your greens and golds, your striking blue skies and all the wild animals you brought in my path this year. You've taught me about boundaries and self-care so I no longer blame you for what I have control over. 

Most of all, thank you for giving me the gift of Recalibrate. Bringing together powerful and dear hearts, so fierce and tender, willing to process all that's here in this life, these specific lives and bodies. 

I'm happy to see Persephone take her throne, but understand more deeply the tears of Demeter. I do look forward to seeing you again, and next time I'll be the one who comes bearing gifts.

Till then,



Don’t give up on 2020–ask yourself these questions instead


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