Your Dreams Light the Way

So many people have recently asked about sleep or commented on wanting/needing more. My first thought in pulling cards today was to ask how to get better sleep. Then I realized this may be a leading question, especially as we head towards a Full Moon in Sagittarius on Tuesday, May 29, 2018. Let's keep it simple and look at a 3-card spread about this full moon. The center card shows where the Full Moon casts its light of awareness. On the left, what past energetics are still at play. And on the right, how we can carry the medicine of this Full Moon forward.


3 Card Tarot Spread for Full Moon


This Full Moon wants to awaken our inner purpose and tap us into our intuition of seeing how everything is connected — our actions effect others and vice versa. In this place we can get overwhelmed by hopelessness and the sadnesses of the world (hello, 9 of Swords — an intense card). When we lift above the mundane world and align with our calling, others will feel that and awaken to that calling within themselves. This mental shifting can feel like a dark night of the soul, but the path leads to freedom from our past definitions of ourselves, leaving us lighter and with a broader perspective of the realm of infinite possibilities. We can do and be anything!


Our challenge is to stop soothing ourselves with every passing temptation (7 of Cups really works that ego). This work is uncomfortable. Self care is one thing — ritual releasing baths, walks in nature, building an altar — choose things that nurture & support your evolution rather than sabotage it (you know your vices, try not to undermine your soul work).


To work through this light of awareness, look to the future (6 of Swords calls us to focus on the journey ahead). Have your dreams and visions in mind (these are more expansive than goals; allow yourself to tap into this mystical realm) — they will carry you forward and help you through the muck and mire of self-limiting beliefs and remind you of where you are heading when you release yourself from past bondages.


Takeaway: Let this Full Moon release what’s holding you back from the future you imagine for yourself and the world at large. Your dreams light your path forward.


This begins a column that appears every week in the Cult of Gemini newsletter and on their TwinStar blog. I read Tarot at Cult of Gemini in Grass Valley, California on Thursdays. Pre-book by calling the shop directly at (530) 446-6080.

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