Writing Prompt for Mercury Retrograde

We're a few days in to Mercury Retrograde, making this prompt timely. Mercury was the messenger of the gods. He's got messages for us, and we're really good at ignoring them. So, what happens? We get waylaid. Or get a flat tire (raises hand). Generally you may feel like you're fighting the natural flow. Communication is challenging. Mercury tries many ways to get our attention.

My suggestion? Slow down or something's going to force you into slowing down. Grab a notebook and do some writing. Shorten your To Do list.

This week’s prompt: What messages am I receiving?

If you're super curious, you can modify the prompt along the lines of:

  • What messages am I receiving but ignoring?

  • What messages am I receiving and don't want to hear?

  • What messages am I receiving that I'm most excited about?

Free Writing

Set a timer for 5–10 minutes and keep your pen moving the whole time. Kick off by writing the prompt to start the flow. See what comes. Don't worry if you don't answer the question directly or get "off topic." Also let go of any rules about punctuation, spelling or grammar. This is an exploration of you for you. Stay curious.

The good stuff rarely sits right on the surface, so keep writing through any resistance or blocks. Keep writing until the timer goes off, even if you have to use filler words like writing the prompt over and over.

If Free Writing Practice is new to you, check out my Learn Free Writing video on YouTube that walks you through the process.


20/20 Vision Moon Calendars for the Holidays!


At this point, I'd take lemonade