When fear brings you to your knees, courage is the way out

This is excerpted from a recent newsletter because the message at the end is so important.

If you follow me on social media, you know that I'm out and about doing things (like throwing logs at Scottish Highland Games). Life hasn't come to a standstill — far from it — but I've been struggling with writing a newsletter. Showing up in your inbox where it's just you and me, well, that's so much more vulnerable. I struggle over what to say, how to say it, the why of it all… worrying that the world doesn't need another newsletter.

And yet, one of my biggest teachings is Sharing. Your. Voice. I love hearing others' voices (YOUR voice) in women's circles, writing groups, in classes and in coaching sessions. Other peoples' words and stories sink in differently, while broadening both my perspective and capacity for compassion. They're medicine and balm for my soul.

My inner critic has been stepping in and telling me this rule is for everyone but me. I don't think I'm susceptible to these messages, but I've held back from using this point of connection that I so yearn to use because we can more directly interact with each other. Fear has held me in her strangled cage. I've been cowardly and worried that you will unsubscribe — which, oddly, I'd encourage you to do if it's not supporting your growth!

Something shifted today as I've grappled with lack of sleep, wondering where I'm letting myself down so I'm restless at night. My subconscious knows I've been hiding behind the veneer of social media and avoiding direct connection, leaving it to the algorithm's folly. Today while feeling raw, I found the strength in the tenderness to re-establish connection. *hi*

In so doing, I cheer you on to looking at where you've been hiding in plain sight. What have you been afraid to face and are finally willing to wipe away the smoke screen of excuses?


The Moon Teaches Mindfulness


What story is your mind telling you?