Taking Life from Mundane to Magickal
Thank you for inviting more magick into your life, whatever that means to you. My intent with my newsletter, blog and social media posts is to share how seeing life beyond the mundane or surface layer of our experience creates a deeper connection to and gateway for magick. There's no special place where magick lives. It's all around us, and we can access it through awareness, through our bodies, or even doing mundane things like sweeping. We do not have to remove ourselves from this life to experience magick. It's more of an awakening. An allowing. An inviting in. A willingness to see and experience it.
Life for me is quite spiritual on the inside, yet on the outside it very possibly looks like an ordinary life. That's shifting as my inner and outer worlds come into more alignment, although I don't ever imagine not having cute shoes, eating chocolate, enjoying an amazing room make over or even reading a delicious fantasy novel. I'm not trying to remove myself from the pleasures that I enjoy in this life, but rather to dive in and understand them more so I consciously choose them rather than stay in a rut or constantly, mindlessly repeating a habit.
One of my deepest fears is stagnation, which can really throw me into a loop of random busy-ness and striving. For years I went after goals and made decisions based on "shoulds" or other justifications beyond heart. Simply they were based in fear. My life has by no means been a straight line, but there was a general trajectory of more: high school — college — marriage — condo — better and better jobs. Even when I stepped away from "a job" for an art career as a jeweler, I had similar check boxes about making money, getting in magazines, doing more and more prestigious shows and so forth. It was/is great being an artist, but the external goals and striving were eroding my soul, even though it was quite firmly locked away behind a hard shell.
Life is so different now. I stepped away from that programmed rhythm and stopped knowing what the supposed end point was that I was always grasping for and never reaching because it always seemed to move.
Now, I'm curious about life and its possibilities and opportunities. Nothing is taken for granted. I live in the mystery a lot. I live more in love and magick. I still have goals and to do lists, but they include feelings and items such as "do more what I want to do" on them. I'm more about the journey than the destination, which is good because course-correcting is a regular happenstance 'round here and "what I want to do" changes as I evolve. I allow space for all of it. Spaciousness and freedom are two big words for me.
My posts and newsletters are part writing — or grappling, depending on the day — part magickal tool, empowering pep talk, and part inspiration. Ultimately I hope it's a gateway to dialog. I don't have answers, but I do have a lot of interesting experiences that I'll share, and I know you have them too. I hope you share them with me.
One of my new favorite questions is: What are you saying YES to? or if that's too challenging, What do you want to say YES to?
By joining this community, you are saying YES to something. I'd love to know what it is! Seriously. Write a comment below.
Speaking or writing your words and having them witnessed is one of the most powerful pieces of magick I know. Hit “comment” and gift that to yourself — and to me! I may be an introvert, but I so love connection.