We all want to make more art, but we've got to sell it, too

It's a busy holiday season for me with lots of sales and orders, yet I'm still making time to promote myself. Right before Thanksgiving I mailed 1700 postcards. Today I'm customizing 120 postcards for a series of promotions I'm doing at a local gallery.

Yes, I'd like to be soldering, wrapping pieces and getting caught up on my orders, but I know I wouldn't be able to keep making pieces if I didn't keep selling them. It's a double-edge sword at times... I rather like to think of it as a teeter totter that is best kept in balance but realistically swings back and forth as time and moods allow.

As soon as these postcards are done, I'm heading back to the studio to finish a special order necklace that I want to mail out today. Then I have to prepare for a show I have this evening... this means my email newsletter will again have to wait. I'm learning to do small bits each day so I don't feel like I lost a whole day of production. So now I guess I know tomorrow's task!

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The most beautiful salad


Ah, winter