Level Up Your Self Worth During Venus Retrograde 2025
On March 1, 2025, Venus goes retrograde for 40 days and 40 nights.
Why is this such a big deal? Unlike Mercury which goes retrograde a few times every year, Venus only goes retrograde every 18 months.
Venus is the sign associated with beauty, desire, passion and also money, especially as it pertains to worthiness.
When Venus turns retrograde, it’s an opportunity to check in on relationships in your life — most importantly your relationship with yourself. All retrogrades set the stage for introspection and inner excavation.
Where have you compromised your values or let your boundaries go soft?
Are any of your goals and desires in need of redirection? Check in to see if you still want them and if they light you up.
Have you been selling yourself short? Take a deep look at everything from whether you’re charging enough for your services or wearing hole-ridden underwear that makes you feel less than.
Venus knows her worth. She moves forward with magnetic love and desire, attracting plenty to her. Fear isn’t part of her vocabulary, although she can get you to push those growth edges that walk the line of tittilation.
New for 2025, Venus Retrograde is indicated on the Taming the Tangle Moon Calendars. Over the years I’ve added things to the calendars that I wanted to be aware of, such as Mercury Retrograde, and I’ve let my clients know that they can make requests as well.
The calendars are first and foremost for connecting with the Moon and her phases, yet other bodies in the sky also have an impact. When a client asked if it would be possible to include Venus Retrograde, we exchanged messages about why it felt important and the larger ripple effect it has.
Since I’m not a trained astrologer, I loved diving in and learning more about Venus Retrograde. I decided to make space for it on the calendar this year, and there’s more information in the 4-page booklet that’s included with each calendar.
I hope you enjoy this new addition and have many wonderful revelations during this potent Venus Retrograde time.