Have you looked in the mirror?
With the Full Moon on June 5, we officially enter eclipse season.
Eclipses create disruptions and generally serve to interrupt regularly scheduled programs.
Eclipse energy can be jarring, and yet it's so necessary to wake us up from slumber. Pattern disruptors show you where you’ve become overly reliant on a structure or system. This can be something innocuous like periodic power outages like we had in California in the fall of 2019, or it can be a larger rattling like we are experiencing now with civil rights, systemic racism coming to light and fully understanding white privilege.
When you are jarred from sleep, what's your go to response?
Do you hit the snooze button 7 times? Do you leap out of bed on high alert, ready to attack? Do you resent being awakened and zombie walk to the coffee pot? Did you know the alarm was coming and wake up a few minutes before and lay in bed quietly listening? Did you slip out of bed before dawn and complete your training and meditation so you are centered and ready for what the day brings?
Full Moon as Mirror
Full Moons bring potent energy for reflection. Reflection isn't about judgment, it's about seeing what is. With this Full Moon and the crucible we are in with a pandemic, economic strain and social activism creating a new normal, take some time to pause and reflect. Both meditation and free writing help calm the inner chaos so you can tune in to your deeper truths.
In my own life, I can think back to 2008 when my meditation practice began in the week of the economic crash, divorce and shutting down my studio. I would look around and continually assess the rubble, wringing my hands and feeling the worry rise in me. When I invited myself to get quiet — either with closing my eyes or taking pen to paper — I found going inward gave me peace and also a bit more clarity. This inward time showed me how to take action outside. Not all at once, but bit by bit.
Questions: Awaken Curiosity or Demand Answers?
My way in was through questions. I didn't demand answers or latch onto one idea as a solution, but explored possibilities. Exploring possibilities created a safe space for my heart and soul to speak in quiet whispers and know they would be heard. The mind prattled on, but the noise of it became more distant over time.
That's what I invite you to do. Below are some questions to ponder, meditate with, or use as free writing prompts. Since the days after the Full Moon are about releasing, listen for anything to let go of. The world is shifting beneath your feet — what's worked in the past no longer serves.
What can I let go of to make way for new energy, a new way of being?
How can I use my power?
How can I be part of the solution?
How am I holding myself back?
What values do I hold most dear for the world I want to create?
What courageous act can I do to lift someone else up?
How can I support without burdening?
How can I align my actions with my values?
Who can I hold space for — purely for them, not for me?
What am I seeing now that I will not unsee?
How can discomfort activate me to change rather than trigger me to shut down, distract or numb out?
Inner Work Changes the World
When you change and shift on the inside, you change and shift on the outside. Do the inner work so you can do the outer work that ripples out and inspires more change.
Don't let fear make you frozen, whether it's the fear of what you'll find inside or the fear of not doing something right. Taking steps shows you new viewpoints. Look around. See what's there. And keep stepping.
Action — even tiny actions like meditating — creates clarity. Don't let confusion make you stagnant.
The path to freedom begins with you. Only you know if what you're doing aligns with your values of who you want to be and the world you want to create.
Don't give in to shame or guilt. They are mere masks for fear. Learn from mistakes, learn how to use your words and your voice, learn how your power can be used for good. The best learning comes through repeated practice. Keep getting up, keep showing up, keep going in and seeing what you find. Keep evolving and building a world that's as beautiful and loving as your soul.
When you keep your compass pointed to where you want to go, your inner wisdom will show the next step.
May this fiery Sagittarius Full Moon give you courage to burn down what doesn't serve and swiftness to step boldly towards what does.
Want to cultivate more connection with the moon? Getting a Moon Calendar is a good first step. A Moon Calendar allows you to see the whole year at a glance as well as zoom in to the details for each day. I created a modern Moon Calendar that shows the phases of the moon and their ebb and flow of energetic potency. Click here to see the 20/20 Vision Taming the Tangle Moon Calendar.
Photo by Ryoji Iwata on Unsplash