Do you need some passion in your life?

You've got to check out Scoutie Girl's blog post about passion, which is going to turn into a larger series. Passion has been coming up a lot for me lately as I've been exploring all kinds of new things, and at the moment I'm not talking about my jewelry.

When I'm home from road travels, 3 days a week I go to a dance fitness class. I've loved it from the beginning, yet 4 months into it I *really* loved it, as in I can't wait for the next one. I let everyone know that I'm not available at those times. The music gets in my bones, and I've made a commitment to dance 100% when I'm there. I act like I'm at an audition at the back of the pack and want to be noticed by the people out front... maybe I'll even get a front row performance placement (this vignette is based on real life, harkening all the way back to high school... which is when I last danced, more than 20 years ago).

Thankfully I'm not going to perform, and I'm happy being at the back of the room with a good sight line to the instructor since I never know exactly what she's going to do... this class is anything but routine. But when something clicked in me and I was passionate about the class, everyone noticed. The teacher talked to me, and every week 1 or 2 other students in the class come up to me to introduce themselves and make a comment on how much fun I'm having. I smile and laugh because we all make mistakes and get turned around during the routines but I decided to not care and to get the most out of this workout. At the end of the class I'm sweaty with my hair astray. I don't wear jewelry to class like the other women there. I dress in clothes that won't distract me. None of this is particularly pretty or sexy, yet everyone thinks it is because they are seeing beyond the surface and feeling the passion inside of me.

Tornado pearl ears,ring-sm

Tornado Pearl Ring and Earrings, a limited edition series I developed after starting dance classes, photo by Linda Savitz, © 2011 Kathy Frey

I really feel like passion is contagious to other parts of life as well. It's great to have at least one passion. I'm lucky in that I've always been passionate about food and cooking. Now I have dance (again). Little bits are trickling into my business life. Don't get me wrong, I'm passionate about my business yet I'm re-exploring some areas I used to be passionate about and trying to rekindle those flames... like networking, style and fashion, and organization.

Essentially I feel like I'm coming out of a slump or waking up after a nap (thank goodness not a long deep sleep), yet if you feel like you've lost your mojo you might want to read Nancy LaFever's article in the March 2011 issue of The Crafts Report... another inspiring read from a woman in the know.

Share your passions with me, whether new or rediscovered, or any tips for rekindling a passion! No doubt about it, we all know this relates to relationships of any kind, whether human, work, or hobby.


Get techie with it


A step in the right direction