5 Crystals for Mercury Retrograde Survival

Ahhh, Mercury Retrograde… you sneak in when we least expect it and wreak havoc during times when we’re *just* starting to find flow and come back to center.


Mercury Retrograde is no problem if we’ve had all the time to meditate, wrangle our digital addictions, make bone broth, and calmly go about our days because all our systems are dialed in and everyone's healthy and life is cruising down Route 66 in a vintage Caddie with the top down.

That's not my personal reality right now, how about you?

This week Mercury Retrograde is arriving just like the end of the Zipper carnival ride where I fall out on my face when the operator opens the door (true story for another day).

Didn’t we just recover from the last Mercury Retrograde?

Yup. Mercury Retrograde happens about four times a year, often around the change of seasons. It lasts about three weeks or so. Mercury Retrograde has a reputation for fumbling communications, interrupting travel plans, and causing constant device restarts.

If you want to get deep, take some time to meditate on what message Mercury is actually trying to get through to you. Mercury is the messenger of the gods, after all. So while you may want to zone out with doom scrolling and your latest reality TV binge, Mercury Retrograde can make things just challenging enough to — gasp! — make you want to turn everything off and tune in through writing, journaling, reading actual paper books, and walking in nature.

What if writing, reading & nature aren’t my reality?

Barring those luscious tips and more that I throw into the free 5 Creative Ways to Thrive During Mercury Retrograde guide — as we do live in the 21st century (crazing an instant fix, anyone?) — let me introduce you to your new BFF crystal allies who can counteract the common disruptive energies of Mercury Retrograde.

The 5 Crystals for Mercury Retrograde

From center top and around clockwise: Garnet, Amazonite, Fluorite, Amethyst, Blue Calcite

Stay centered during Mercury Retrograde with these five crystals


If you don't know where to begin with crystals, start with Amethyst. Amethyst provides grounded connection to the planet while clearing other energetics that you may be under the influence of. It brings you back to yourself by stabilizing moods so you can more clearly see root causes behind behaviors and habits. For this reason, I wear Amethyst more than any other stone.

Fun fact: Amethyst can support objects too. Computer acting up? Try putting an Amethyst near it or right on top of the processor. You can even put an Amethyst on top of your WiFi router, especially after a restart to keep channels running smoothly.

Blue Calcite

Does your anxiety rise during Mercury Retrograde? Blue Calcite soothes the emotional body in a way that creates a more optimistic outlook. Blue Calcite gently empowers you to create your own reality, but you don't have to do it alone! Blue Calcite facilitates the willingness to connect with your Muse so creative ideas and thoughts can flow through you into reality. Let Blue Calcite open the dam of visioning to create a flow of authentic expression.


Both Amazonite and Blue Calcite open the throat energy center for clearer communication that's thoughtful and concise. A huge part of communication is listening, so these crystal allies can also temper over talking and help you tune in to the actual messages needing to be heard on a deeper level.

Amazonite helps with setting boundaries and expressing them clearly, especially as they are needed to hold space for your heart-centered projects. These boundaries are to help you manifest what you want to experience in your life and in the world.


One of the main side effects of the digital age is feeling pulled every which way at all times. Fluorite brings focus to scattered energy. Fluorite is a great crystal to keep on your desk or workspace for this reason. Fluorite also acts as a psychic vacuum cleaner, making it easier to stop repeating thoughts, clear negativity, and calm confusion.

Fluorite’s favorite way to help is in aligning your mind, heart and soul choices with your life's purpose. This is so lovely, yet know Fluorite can also activate the receipt of psychic messages. This is why I don't have a bra made of Fluorite that I wear all the time. I often have to partner it with a stone with grounding energy such as Amethyst, Smoky Quartz, Black Tourmaline, or Garnet as touched on below.


Garnet is one of my personal favorite stones for grounding because it amplifies the energies of self-love and loving life on this planet while releasing worry and anxiety. It's a stone for self-worth while also opening to trusting in The Universe and your path here, regardless of what's unfolding right now. Garnet truly desires to connect you to the energies of love and joy for yourself and everyone around you.

Garnet partners well with other crystals, especially if you tend to be mentally or psychically activated very easily.

Crystals don't fix everything, but they are helpful allies for bringing attention and intention to energies you'd like to balance inside and out. And they're so dang beautiful.

You can wear crystals in jewelry, tuck them into a bra or pocket, or position them in key places around your home so you connect with them during certain activities or times of day when you might need a grounded friend to bring you back to your most empowered, centered self.

Let me know which crystal you're most excited to work with during this Mercury Retrograde that runs April 21 to May 14, 2023!


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