Common Thread
My common thread through all my careers is transformation. Before-and-afters light me up so much.
With jewelry, it was working with raw material and making it ethereal, almost otherworldly. I see so much possibility when I look at wire. The same is true with graphic design. It feels so much like cooking! There are almost infinite ways to combine all the ingredients. So it comes down to desire. How do you want the end result to feel and taste? How do you want it to look and represent you in the world?
Those two careers were in many ways about my own personal fulfillment — how I enjoy the process of transformation, even with all its challenges and changes. I know that what I did sparked a connection and awakened something in others — it showed them what was possible. Their perspective shifted as they recognized new possibilities, as if they were beginning to wake up. But in the end, most only wanted the finished result. They weren’t willing to go on the journey themselves.
I started dreaming about other ways I could bring this before and after energy to the world. Whether being a personal stylist, an interior designer, closet designer… all of it. It's all a process that involves helping the other excavate, process, push edges and be seen in a way that continually helps them grow, wake up, and expand a clearer definition of themselves.
That's why I do coaching, to help others transform and wake up what's long been suppressed or put to sleep. To see the spark of possibility in their eyes. To help shift mindsets. To know that you truly do have the power to do what you want, but the layers of programming, conditioning and limiting beliefs must be pulled away.
It can be a challenging space, but it's the type of challenge that's nurturing. The challenge nurtures growth, softness, vulnerability and authenticity by cracking the hard shells that have protected us over the years. The protection constricted our breathing and our ability to stretch our wings.
Coaching isn't something to make you what you aren’t. It's to make you more of who you already are. To help you trust and expand your own authenticity, rather than conform to a script the world has written for you.
You get to write your story and where you want it to go. In this process, it's my job to help you uncover not only what's holding you back from having what you want, but to uncover if you truly want the things you claim to desire.
Yep, that's a tough one to swallow. In a world where we’re constantly exposed to what others have, achieve and do, it's hard to tune into your own desires. And not just the desires for what you want, but also for how you want to feel.
And then there's the Why.
Values are the torch within that help guide you from the inside out.
Coaching is all about working on the inside and seeing how it impacts the outside, and also working on the outside to see what it unlocks on the inside.
It's consistently moving between those two realms. This is how you learn to trust your body and trust the changes in your life while becoming aware of your thoughts. The mind isn't always the truthteller. It's one part of the equation, and it often dominates. It overrides everything and wants to go back to the default programming because it's familiar.
That's why coaching is a process. There are ingrained patterns in your mind and most everything in your life is set up to validate that — from friends, to how you eat, how you work, how you breathe and whether or not you show up or tune out.
I've moved a lot, and each time have been able to see how some things change and some things don't based on my environment. You don't have to change your whole life, but as you change, your whole life will start to shift.
This is how you become the magic maker. You are the author of your life, but more importantly, you are the creator and the one living it.
This doesn't mean nothing bad ever happens. This means you have different tools and ways of responding. You show up a bit differently. Because of your Why, your values.
This takes practice because life can throw some big curveballs.
And so it becomes an experiment. We investigate where unconscious patterns play out and what might happen if you make different conscious choices.
You start coming into your power as realization dawns. It's enlightening and amazing… and also ephemeral until you become more comfortable holding this higher vibration new energy. Old programming will keep trying to pull you back.