3 Card Tarot Spread for New Moon in Aries
Anyone else feeling the power of Aries season? Aries is a fire sign, and that fire has been helping me move so many projects forward, quickly. Aries is also fairly stubborn or, more positively known, as focused. This focus can become single-minded and rather self-centered.
Calling on a variety of those aspects, I developed this Aries New Moon Tarot spread. It resembles a Past-Present-Future layout but relies more on the momentum that's building with Spring.
My favorite phrase for New Moons, which I learned from my sister Ginger as she went through Priestess circle, is Empty Presence. To me this means holding stillness and quiet. It's a time of rest and reset. I don't like doing a lot of New Moon activities; that's my way of honoring this pause. This moment to not be seen and be restful.
It's a fairly common practice to set intentions on the New Moon. I tend to wait till the day following the New Moon. With this spread, though, the underlying current is Release. Release control, align with natural flow, lean in to The Universe for guidance and support. You can lay back and let someone else drive, for you have already set the course. I know you have.
Since we are complex, multifaceted humans, the third card acknowledges that there may be many other things you are wanting and working towards. Go ahead, scatter those seeds. This, too, is a form of releasing. Reach far and wide, then let go and let the seeds fall where they may. Some will reach fertile ground, others may lie dormant. Others still may be picked up by a bird and carried off to new lands beyond your current perspective. This is a bit different than setting intentions — this is a broad calling in. Blowing on a dandelion of sorts.
For this spread I shuffle and lay out the cards with Center being card 1, Left is card 2, and right is the third card. The reading really focuses on card 1, the center card.
Here's what I pulled for myself:
With Pentacles being my central card, my earthly realm is primed for forward movement. As a 9, I really take to heart the concept of any project that's been started but hasn't been completed. I feel this one… where to begin? I have many work and home projects, but this gives me clarity to prioritize those things that are very close to completion. The time is right. This is some deep work for me because I feel I have so many projects and get scattered a lot. But this is the gift of insight to get unstuck and get some flow moving. It "makes sense" but isn't necessarily what I would prioritize if I wasn't seeing this point-blank in the cards.
The other two cards support this card. To gain this forward movement I so desire, on the left I must release my grip on magick. Hold potential and possibility more lightly. These are great areas to hand over to The Universe. I'm merely a vessel for these energies anyway. Releasing my grip surrenders to the love and trust that these energies are available to me if I let them flow freely and open to receiving them.
On the right, when I first flipped the Wheel of Fortune, I imagined gathering millions of seeds and throwing them into a swiftly spinning wheel and they scattered *everywhere*. My dreams, ideas and wishes feel widespread to me. I don't have to make decisions or focus on this too much. Keep speaking and sowing those metaphorical seeds of possibility. Release them and surrender them to what comes. Once again, I do not need to control this process. Focus on that central area of forward movement. As projects come to a close, new directions and opportunities will appear.
Yessss, I love the sense of relief that final statement brings. What insights did you get from your card pull? How did it make you feel?